Tuesday, December 17, 2019

FPO Mail

FPO MailFind Out How Much Postage Is Required for APO/FPO MailSendingmilitary mailor receiving packages purchased online when deployed overseas can be costly if you do not know how to use the APO/FPO addressing system. Basically, the APO/FPO mail system allows people in America to send mail overseas at domestic rates. Cost of APO/FPO Mail You only have to provide standard domestic postage on mail going to an APO or FPO address. If you pay 47 cents for a stamp to mail something within the continental United States, it only costs 47 cents to mail it overseas as long as you have an APO / FPO / DPO address and associated ZIP code. TheUnited States Post sekretariat delivers APO and FPOmail to a military facility, located on the East Coast or West Coast of the United States (depending on where the member is stationed/deployed), and the military takes over from there, transporting the mail via military cargo aircraft to the overseas location or Navy ship. History of Military / Diplom atic Mail In the 1980s, the Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA) was created to perform the task of delivering mail worldwide to its members.It is a joint military staff headquartered in Washington, D.C. The United States Postal Service (USPS) rules, regulations, and various international laws and agreements apply to the MPSA as it is responsible for the movement of military mail into over 85 countries. Formerly, each branch of the military had its own postal service and ways it operated. Now, the MPSA is the single point of contact with the USPS. The Mission of the Military Postal Service Agency is to achieve efficient and responsive processing, transportation, and distribution of personal and official mail within the Department of Defense. Military and Diplomatic Mailing System is a global mailing system for United States members of the military and foreign service branches of the government.Every cousine or diplomatic embassy or consulate will be part of its own zip code. Am erican Post Offices Worldwide The military has postal clerks who will sort and deliver mail. Here are the addresses they useAPO stands for Army/Air Force Post Office for bases overseas. FPO stands for Fleet Post Office and is for the Navy/USMC bases and ship abroad. DPO is another US Post Office that sends mail to the US Embassies worldwide. DPO stands for Diplomatic Post Office. You may have a Marine orState Department member who uses this addressing feature. Here is a sample of anAPO Address (Army or Air Force) GEN John DoePSC 4321, Box 54321APO AE 09345-4321 Here is a sample of anFPO Address (Navy / USMC) CAPTJane DoeUSSMurphy (DDG-112)FPO AP 96543-4321 Here is a sample of aDPO Address John AdamsUnit 9300, Box 1000DPO, AE, 09345-0001 Suffixes For APO / FPO These are the following suffices and their meaning AE Armed Forces EuropeAA Armed Forces AmericasAP Armed Forces Pacific The nachsilbees designate which U.S. Military Post Office the packages will be delivered to within the United States before overseas transporting occurs. Mail sent to an APO/FPO address will go to California, New York, or Florida depending upon the suffix. Once it arrives at one of these locations, the USPS has handled its end of the transaction. Next, its up to the Military Post Office to get the package to an overseas member. Online Orders and APO/FPO Mail If you are ordering something online for an overseas installation, do not add the country the package is going to. The APO/FPO or DPO and suffix/ZIP code is sufficient. Some online shipping fees will increase to foreign shipping if it sees a foreign country in the address.

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